Moving Sidewalk Tours

Asheville, North Carolina Added: 3/10/07


Moving Sidewalk Tours in Asheville, North Carolina

Segway Tours in Asheville, North Carolina

Come glide with us and experience touring downtown Asheville on a Segway i2, the newest 2nd generation Segway with LeanSteer technology.

We are located in the Lobby of the Asheville Visitor Information Center with multiple tours on select days. Each tour experience takes between 2 and 3 hours including 20 to 45 minutes of training.

Please call or visit our website for more information!

Segway Tour Stats

Moving Sidewalk Tours

Asheville, North Carolina Segway Tours

Enjoy a unique Segway tour and experience Asheville gliding on a Segway PT with a guided tour offered by Moving Sidewalk Tours in Asheville, North Carolina (USA).

Moving Sidewalk Tours is:

  • One of 2 Segway tours available in Asheville
  • One of 12 tours operated in North Carolina
  • One of 324 Segway tours offered in the USA
  • One of 635 Segway Guided Tours in the World

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